Madai Lure Hayabusa Jackeye Kicktail Fs413 - 30G

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Recommended retail price : £12.93
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When this inchiku is retrieved, the ikanago octopus comes to life and stimulates the appetite of predators. Its shape has been carefully studied to create a water movement that gives it an irresistible wobbling. When retrieving, the body remains upright so that predators distinctively and from a distance can spot it. The FS413 is effective in all water layers, making it very versatile.

On the descent, the lure will "flap" thanks to the action of the water on its flanks. Furthermore, the reflections emitted by the body and the action of the octopus will further increase the fish's attraction to this lure. By making it evolve near the bottom, it will prove lethal to all rock fish, and on wrecks, the pollock and other large bass will love it.

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