Jig Sakura Swinger - 28G

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Recommended retail price : €10
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In creating the chatterbait, we offer a mix of rubber jig, spinnerbait and crankbait meeting in a single lure! Indeed, the addition of the lure’s head blade gives him support on the water that oscillate strongly from right to left and amplifies ripples in the silicone skirt. Vibrations, flashes of light and vibration signals form one of the most attractive cocktail.

Thanks to its high density and compact figure you’ll be able to change this lure deep (fast flow) where it is difficult to do with a crankbait or spinnerbait a sustained manner. Built to be retrieved at speed, the chatterbait resents chopped or too slow recoveries. This lure comes to life when in motion and the pressure of the water puts it into action.

Ideal for power fishing, the Swinger chatterbait Sakura enables prospect quickly large areas while remaining close to the bottom. For inactive fish or a little more benthic species (catfish,Zander). Keep in touch with the lure, even on the descent because it is possible to hook fish suspended in the water column.

The Swinger chatterbait part lures that we have developed under the Sakura brand to offer our fans a lure really suitable for any fishing conditions they encounter. Its finishes and high-end weaponry place it atop the chatterbait market. And when you have put in the water you can see with how effective they are!

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