Dvd - Le Bar Aux Leurres Du Bord De La Surface Au Fond Avec Guillaume Fourrier - Pêche En Mer - Vidéo Pêche

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Recommended retail price : €16.70
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The sea bass, mythical fish for the sea fisherman that it is Mediterranean coast or Atlantic coast causes a passion growing for its fishing from the edge. Do modern technologies with the lures evolve and does the fisherman like to be guided in the choices of materials and particularly for the large varieties of lures…
Which types of rods use? Which lures? Which rigs? How to approach a spot and how to detect the presence or the activity of fish on a station?
Guillaume FURRIER and Florian BODEAU explains you the main part of modern technologies of lure fishings, which will enable you to face all the situations, to take sea bass on varied spots and in all the depths of water, thing which was not possible, there is one few years.
Director: Guillaume Furrier
Made in France(EN)

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