Hanger Case Jrc Kurve Indicator System

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Recommended retail price : €41.60
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Introducing one of the most versatile indicators available today. The Kurve Indicator features an articulating head and unique line clip system which can be set to grip the line or allow it to run freely. These two key factors mean that the Kurve can be adjusted to be incredibly sensitive at picking shy bites or adjusted to minimise false bites caused by wind etc. Thanks to the flattened surface of the Kurves body, the indicator can be positioned flat on the ground when fishing slack line, again increasing sensitivity and decreasing false wind related bleeps. Five colour lenses are included so you can 'pimp' your Kurve up and, with both a chain and swing arm you can tailor the indicator to your preference. Don't settle for less indication - go for the Kurve!

Designed and engineered in England
Clever hinging indicator body
Unique line grip or free running clip
Black ball chain
Rigid swing arm with a unique integrated metal aligner system
5 clip-on lenses, each with a different appealing colour
Beta-light slot behind the colour lens
2 additional add on weights

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