Float Tube Seven Bass Jungle Operator Flex Full Plug&Go

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Seven Bass
Recommended retail price : £1132.65
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You will definitely appreciate its evolution, here is the JUNGLE OPERATOR FLEX!

Presented at the Efttex in Amsterdam in 2018, SEVENBASS DESIGN does not return from this international professional show empty-handed! Indeed, we are very happy to return from the EFTTEX with an Award! And not just any award, but the much coveted one, covering all categories, namely the "Innovation of the Year Award season 2018-2019" (to also specify that we are the only French company to have won an award this year… and re COCORICO! )

Fruit of the work of the whole team, and the crossing of the experience of the ambassadors in the field, this float tube has been thought from A to Z for the fisherman! Still in line with FLATFORM and JUNLGLE OPERATOR, JUNGLE OPERATOR FLEX can be used with fins, oars and / or electric motors, and both sitting and standing! But in addition, it has been completely revised to allow you to have your JUNGLE OPERATOR ready to fish: it is "Plug&Go Ready"!! Four “Plug&Go” bases are already positioned, you just have to equip your craft as you wish with the echo sounder support, GoCam Mount, rod holder, etc… Regarding navigation, everything has been revised, we have introduced a “bat wing” between the legs that will break the wave created when sailing with an electric motor, we also added some “rocker” on the two tips to facilitate navigation and gliding on the water when a little chop rises! We have also equipped it with our “clip line” which will allow you to secure your “flex cargo side bags” or other accessories, we have modified the motor mount for more safety and the seat, which is now an inflatable "dropstitch" seat too, for your comfort aboard your JUNGLE FLEX! This last element will be very useful for your winter sessions, with chop to be sure to be 100% dry!

FULL Plug&GO: this is the Plug&Go ready version, with in addition 3 rod holders, a GoCam Mount support, a quadruple "AMIRALE" base, and an echo sounder support!

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