Rod Garbolino Lexica Fi Rc

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Until 22/07/2024 included
Recommended retail price : £185.76
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Price inc VAT
£148.01 Until 22/07/2024 included
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£148.01 Until 22/07/2024 included
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The LEXICA FI RC in 4m10 is THE most compact internal line rod in our FI rod family. Its design is very particular in only 2 sections, with the tip on one side and the butt containing 4 telescopic adjusters on the other. This feature allows for a rod that is 2m00 when folded to the maximum, which is particularly interesting in small, highly cluttered bodies of water. This model is the only one in the current collection to have its line entry at the top of the last element of the butt, this also allows only the tip where the threading tool needs to be passed to insert the line. The downside of this construction is that it only has 25 struts (mostly in the tip) which is the only truly strutted element. With its 1m20 once disassembled, this rod is easy to carry and easy to store at home. The components used such as the adjustable rings and struts are components that were designed by the Garbolino brand and are only used on our products. Regarding the line threading, it is imperative to use the threading tool provided with each rod, the struts that we mount in the tip being smaller than the struts used previously by other rod assemblers.

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